Unmasking 10 to 1 Employees: Jeff Davidson

Jeff Davidson, Senior Account Executive –

Believe it or not, I have been in Public Relations for more than 15 years. In that time I’ve dressed up in a mascot uniform, been in a dump truck full of LEGO blocks, was on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, and ran around SXSW, CES, and HIMSS. Public Relations may seem glamourous, but it’s a lot of hard work. Although I’ve learned a lot from my clients, my coworkers, and my mistakes over the years – I wouldn’t change a thing.

  1. If you didn’t work in PR, what would you do?
    I always wanted to be a television director for a sitcom.
  2. What is your most memorable PR experience?
    My client was launching a new product at CES and we had presentations and interviews lined up for days. I was running on no sleep, mostly coffee, and exhilaration. It was the definition of “work hard, play hard,” and I’ll never forget it. 
  3. Best advice you’ve ever been given?
    Don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself. This is great advice for life, but also for business.
  4. What’s your favorite quote
    “Live as though the world is as it should be, to show it what it can be.” – Steven S. DeKnight, American screenwriter, television producer, and director.
  5. What’s one lesson you’ve learned from your time in Public Relations?
    Never give up.